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A mostrar mensagens de dezembro, 2020

SOLID principles

Since i started programming i always found it something difficult to do. When i started it didn't seem natural and i lacked good practices to write good code. Most of the time, i would be lost on where to start. D oing code, is an hard task and i don't believe who says otherwise. It requires a mindset. Not everyone has the reasoning to do these kind of tasks. It takes years of knowledge and experience to be good at it. As a specie, we humans give names to everything, because thats how we communicate to others about some object, concept or whatever it is.  We like to categorize, to organize things, in programming we do the same with the principles we use for good code practices.  What happens with these patterns is that when we identify what kind of task we need to do we will identify the pattern and apply it.  Next i will talk about the SOLID principles, this is an acronym that we should be remembering, it comes from the early 2000. It means the following:   Single-responsabili

How to be organized

As a software engineer this theme turns out to be one of the most important for me, why? It's the only way i can improve my skills the most while at the same time wasting less energy.  On a more serious note, if we want to get anywhere we need some organization and to apply routines or we would dive into chaos.   Below i leave some points and my idea is to keep upgrading this post .  Getting enough sleep and nutrients  This first point is a powerful remainder, but one of the most important ones. It can be easily neglected.  In regards to sleep, we can stay up till late in the night for many reasons: we're watching that late show we like, playing a video-game, finishing some kind of task. For almost every person there are enough reasons that can lead this path.  But this is not an healthy path, it can mean we were not productive during the day and we're trying to compensate at the end of it.  In some cases we simply cannot sleep well due to health issues and they can be psy